Stop managing
student behavior.

Start getting
ahead of it.

Let us help
support your culture, systems, and learning.

Supported School will improve your systems, communication, and transparency. We’ll eliminate barriers and empower your leadership team to support staff and students to keep them where they learn best… in the classroom.


Support Records


Messages Sent


Hope & Celebrations Given

Features only found with us.

Once you have these things, you'll wonder how you've ran a school without them.

Realtime Notifications
Receive email or text messages (whichever you prefer) when teachers need support, or one of your students get new supports. Don't worry, they won't contain sensitive information, so personal devices are safe from student information (PII).
Customized School Lists
Customize your support options to allow staff to focus on specific supports/terminology that your building uses. This allows for a more personalized experience for your staff and helps align your school or district's framework.
Checklists provide a versatile tool for monitoring and organizing various tasks. For instance, tracking academic and behavioral interventions, ensuring students meet discipline-specific assignments, and overseeing progress in completing tasks with subtasks. By providing a clear structure, checklists enable educators to maintain detailed oversight over essential elements of student development and academic management, ensuring that all necessary steps are followed and goals are achieved efficiently.
AI Assisted Data
Harness the power of our AI-assisted data tool to streamline your workflow. Send prompts to our intuitive chatbot to ask questions about your data, plan meetings, and gain invaluable insights into student and staff performance. For instance, inquire about students who haven't received a celebration in the last 5 weeks or request detailed summaries of individual students' support requests and progress over specific time frames, facilitating comprehensive assessments and informed decision-making.
Data Dashboards
Beautiful dashboards help you pull data quickly, as well as run your MTSS, child study, data driven dialogs.
Smart Data Sync
OneRoster (CSV or API) makes rostering a breeze. We work with your IT staff to establish automatic student enrollment and staff provisioning.

Made for

Data Driven

Timely Support

Positive Culture

Effective Systems

You've got questions?
We've got answers.

Does it integrate with my SIS?
Most likely! We integrate with any SIS that supports the OneRoster standard - and that's most! No need to manage active students, or staff. It typically takes about 15 minutes to get configured with the right people involved.

Some of the SIS we currently integrate with are Skyward & Skyward Qmlativ, PowerSchool, InfiniteCampus, and more.

Can we try the system?
Absolutely! We offer a free trial, we will even work with your tech staff to fully automate your system to use real data if that's helpful.
Can we get data out of your system?
Yes! There are beautiful dashboards, and CSV exports. We can even automate an export of your data to your tech team - and the best part: no extra fees.
How do staff sign in?
Your staff login securely with your Microsoft or Google SSO. We don't store any passwords.
What does it cost?
Supported School Lite is FREE! Contact us to learn about the full version.

How to get started?

1. We load your data
We receive roster data for students and staff and sync your school data.
2. You build your "Support Team"
You decide who from your team receives notifications in different situations.
3. Teach your staff
We can help train your staff on the process and different features of the app.
4. Create support records
Collect data for support services, interventions, hope & celebrations. This enables educators to offer differentiated support effectively addressing each student's needs.
5. Real-time Notifications
Support Teams can receive real-time notifications for different types of support needed. No data is saved to personal devices, nor will they contain sensitive information.
6. Close the Loop
Finished support records are automatically sent to staff closing the communication loop, and allowing teachers & staff to be aware of the resolution.

We believe in educator
success. Here's what our users have to say.

Don Brummett
This tool has given us actionable real-time data, allowing us to track and respond to varying levels of need in real time. As a school leader, one of your goals is to find the correct actionable data and trends, whether it be behavior, SEL, or academic struggles. No longer do we need multiple programs and their costs to achieve this goal. Every staff member can interact with and support students at their level at any given time. The further ability to track different levels of MTSS interventions at every tier allows us to create more in-depth and appropriate IEPs, 504s, and BIP Plans by using multiple layers of recorded data. This program is invaluable for schools and helps level the playing field by making a program that normally only large districts can afford to implement available to all organizations. This program truly helps support and celebrate every child.

Don Brummett

Interim Superintendent, Chief Leschi Schools
Erika Burden
The Supported School App has been a game changer at our school. It allows us to be far less reliant on communication with walkies, preserving the privacy of students. The greatest win is that all of the data is collected in one place that is simple to disaggregate and analyze for both positive and negative trends (unlike Skyward). We love the Celebration and Hope features as an additional avenue of emotional support for our students. The developers have been so timely and supportive as we request modifications and customizations that suit our school. You couldn’t ask for a better team with which to work on perfecting a student support app.

Erika Burden

PhD, Principal of Westwood Middle School
Melissa Pettey
The adoption of this app has transformed our educational planning and intervention strategies by our teachers, leadership team, and student support staff. By efficiently collecting and analyzing data, the app enables us to implement proactive interventions tailored to each student's needs. It also enhances our accountability, ensuring we consistently follow through on planned supports. Overall, the MTSS app has significantly improved our strategic planning, intervention efforts, and commitment to student success. This was a game changer for us!

Melissa Pettey

Principal of Lumen High School
Jeremy Vincent
Supported School has truly transformed our approach to student support. With its ability to track interventions across academics, behavior, mental health, and social-emotional support, our team now operates with efficiency and clarity. This platform empowers us to make well-informed decisions at the Tier I, II, and III levels, ensuring that each student receives tailored interventions that address their unique needs. I'm deeply impressed by the positive outcomes we've witnessed and the profound impact it's had on our school community. It has been extremely intuitive for both our Student Support Team and our teachers as we all work towards our goal of positively impacting students.

Jeremy Vincent

Principal of North Pines Middle School
Patrick Vincent
The Supported School App has immediately improved our ability to meet the needs of our students as a system. First, seamless communication just-in-time about the needs and celebrations of students has helped to draw teams closer together. Second, actionable data is immediately available to spot trends, intensify interventions, and make informed decisions. Finally, the implementation team is incredibly helpful in tailoring the program to the needs of our school.

Patrick Vincent

Principal, Union Gap School

Contact us.

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